An Inconvenient Time – The Story of Ruth Ravina is the story of a young child’s odyssey through three concentration camps and countless tragedies. Ruth Ravina’s story is one of survival and triumph.
Back in 2017 I was asked to create art and some animated sequences to help tell Ruth’s story. I did not realize at the time just how profound an impact working on this film would have on me. The story, surreal, heartbreaking and hopeful took me to new places both personally and artistically. Certain images, such as Ruth’s father were especially difficult. To try and somehow represent the last time a daughter feels her father’s embrace, and to imagine what it must be like to be her father, knowing it will be the last time. Or Ruth at 2 1/2 years old, witnessing the horrors of the gallows, to communicate that through the look in her eyes. My goal was to treat these moments with the respect they deserve as well as to evoke the emotion necessary to help viewers really feel Ruth’s words.
Having the opportunity to meet Ruth and her family last Sunday at the premiere and to hear that they approved of the work that I’ve done meant a lot to me. For me this was a project like no other and one that I really wanted to get right.
I have many people to thank for giving me the opportunity to work on this film as well as helping to make this film a success. Denny Klein and your family for having the vision to keep Ruth’s story alive through film. Joe Schreiber and 3 Penny Fims, for your edit and creative input, Mark Bellncula Bell & Koola animation, East Main Media, the Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest NJ, and to Ruth for having the courage to share your story so that we never forget.
Below are a few of the animated sequences, artwork and some photos from the premiere. Look for the film at film festivals this year and if you are interested in seeing or sharing the film please send me an email and I will put you in touch with the filmmakers.
Thank you, and your feedback is welcome.